Our Services
Tax Planning

At ANN C. HARRIS, APLC, it is our goal to consider and plan for all assets belonging and/or passing to our clients, especially non-U.S. situs assets.
We analyze our clients’ needs, review applicable domestic and foreign laws and make recommendations with respect to planning and implementing all U.S. documents. We also consult and coordinate with non-U.S. legal counsel to discuss the plan of action and implement the documents needed in non-U.S. jurisdictions.
We advise International clients concerning the U.S. income, gift, estate and generation skipping transfer tax reporting for various types of entities, such as non-U.S. Trusts and business entities. We help clients determine the "residency" status of a non-U.S. person or entity, and the U.S. income tax implications of a non-U.S. person receiving income from a U.S. trust or business and a non-U.S. citizen becoming a U.S. resident.