Payment options
Our firm accepts payment of the amount due via check, ACH bank wire transfer, credit card or Venmo.
If paying by check, you should enclose a check made out to Ann C. Harris, APLC, and return a signed copy of your fee agreement by email or mail.
If paying by ACH, please contact the office directly for our company bank wire transfer details and return a signed copy of your fee agreement by email or mail. All ACH bank wire transfer processing fees will be paid by the client in addition to all legal services rendered.
If paying by credit card, please contact the office directly to process payment through our billing system and return a signed copy of your fee agreement by email or mail. All service charges from the credit card provider (2.5%) will be paid by the client in addition to the legal services rendered, pursuant to Business Professional Code 6148(b).
If paying by Venmo, please send your payment to: @AnnHarrisLaw
You can securely pay your bill online through Venmo.
Please send your payment to: